
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Jesus Christ, The King Of Love, Loves You Best!

All Who Choose
To Walk Under The Banner Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Will Face Three Adversaries: 

The Enemy Within Aka Your Self
The Enemy Within The Household
The Enemies Outside The Household 


All Three Enemies 
Are Agents Of Or Are Used By Satan 
With The Sole Purpose Of
Severing Our Connection With Our Maker 
And Thereby
Render Us Unfit To Enter The Glorious Kingdom! 


Guard Your Heart! 
Jealously Guard The Time You Spend With The Lord 
Whether It Is Singing
Enjoying A Companionable Silence
Listening To The Still Small Voice Of The Holy Spirit
Asking For Blessing
Exercising Faith For The Earthly-Impossible
Trusting The Lord 
He Is The Almighty God
Just Waiting On The Lord With Faithful Endurance! 

Please Let Us Remember Always That
The Lord Is For His People
Never, Ever, Forget That Whatever Trial 
Or Setback
Or Temptation We Face
The Lord Whom We Follow 
Will Lead Us Safely To The Expected End That 
He ... In His Infinite Wisdom ... Has Determined! 

Please Let The Lord Lead! 
Please Follow Faithfully Where The Lord Leads 
Dare ...By Faith
To Leave The Outcome In His Loving Arms! 

The Truth Is ... 

Someone May Say They Love You 
The Lord Of Life
Our Jesus Blessed Forever
Eternally Loves You The Absolute Best: 
Do Not Ever Doubt His Personal Holy Love For You! 

Peace With The King Of Love
Forever Free!

1 comment:

  1. By Your Saving Grace, Lord, And With The Gift Of Daily Faith, I Shall, With Endurance, Follow You For As Long As My Life Shall Last!


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