
Monday, December 14, 2020

DISOBEDIENCE: Are You A Strange Child!?!

Are You A Strange Child Who Is A Traitor To The Lord Of Life
Your Creator, Savior, Redeemer, And Forever Friend!?! 

Have You Forgotten For A Moment Whose Child You Are!?! 

Are You Forgetting That Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God
Justifies You ... Takes Away Your Guilt Before The Father 
Jesus Christ ... Our High Priest 
Sanctifies Us ...  Sets Us Apart For Holy Use  
- By The Holy Spirit Of Truth -
From The Day We Confess Our Sin 
Repent Aka Turn Away From Our Sin
Until The Day That We Die!?! 

Are You Forgetting That You Are The Light Of The World
The Salt Of The Earth!?! 

Is Your Light Shining Brightly!?! 

What Sermon Is Your Life Preaching 
To Those Who See You Daily!?! 

Are You A Tasty Salt-Lick ... A Blessing
Or Are You Totally Tasteless 
Fit Only To Be Cast Before Swine 
Trodden Under Men's Feet!?! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Never Forget That The Eternal God Knows 
Faithfully Records 
All That We Say And Do! 
Please Never Forget That We Sin Daily
By Thought, Word And Deed! 


If You're Falling Short
Please Humble Yourself
Pray To Stop The Rot: 
Plead For Grace To Get Back On Track! 

If You're Doing Well
Don't Get Complacent: 
Continue To Pray For Available Grace 
Press On! 

Working Faith Can't Fail! 

Peace With Almighty God

1 comment:

  1. Father, From Bitter Experience, I Truly Realize And Accept With All Humility That There Is No Profit Or Anything Profitable To Be Gained By Being Disobedient To Your Will: Please Help Me To Obey Your Word Always! Please Grant Grace For This Day!


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