
Wednesday, December 2, 2020



Being A Committed Christian Is Hard 
Also Quite Satisfying
We Walk Under The Banner Of The Prince Of Peace 
Who Gives Us Oh His Peace That 
Passes Human Understanding! 

Our God Does Not Sleep 
For He Walks Too And Fro Among His People 
Over Whom Holy Angels Excelling In Strength Keep Watch 
As They Protect Them From The Schemes Of The Devil! 
Fret Not Thyself Because Of The Evil-Doers! 

Our God Keeps Detailed Records 
No Wrong Done Against The Lord's Faithful 
Shall Go Unpunished! 


Please Keep Your Eye On The Heavenly Prize! 
Keep Your Hand On The Gospel Plow! 
Keep A Song Of Zion In Your Heart 
On Your Tongue 
Let Your Life Read Like 
The Living Truth That You Treasure! 

Let's Ever Remember That 
There Is No Law Against A Meek And Gentle Spirit
The Very Spirit That Our Lord Manifested 
On His Earthly Sojourn! 

Please Let The Holy Spirit Teach, Guide 
Comfort You On This Pilgrim Journey! 

Judgment Day 
Coming For All Unrepentant Evil-Doers 
So By Grace ... Through Faith
Please Make Sure That You Are Not Among Them! 
Choose To Speak Peace 
Committed To The Cause Of Christ
Confidently ... Diligently
Go Faithfully On Our God's Errands! 

Truth Wins! 
Don't Prey: Pray! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Lord, To Pray Always And Not Faint Because You Are On The Throne Of Glory And You Have Promised Never To Forget Us Who Are Your Very Own Children!


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