
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Stop "Helping" Almighty God Do His Work!


Stop Helping Almighty God Do His Work: 
He Is In Control! 

Stop Neglecting Doing Your Work: 
You Are Called To Obedience! 


Too, Too Often, We Spend Time Trying Really, Really Hard 
To Be God's Traffic Director 
Arranging The Traffic Pattern In Our Lives 
The Lives Of Those We Love, Despise Or Disregard: 
Stop It! 

If You Knew What The Good God Knows 
You Would Do What God Does 
So Humbly Get With The Sure Plan Of Salvation 
Take Care Of The Living God's Business 
Which Takes Care Of Your Own! 

Let Us Choose To Humble Ourselves 
Under The Mighty Hand Of God 
Who Is Mighty To Save 
Strong To Deliver! 

Let Us Not Follow The Fad 
Which Sees Us Always Having A "Word From God" 
Which Sees Us Meddling With Things 
Way Above Our Pay Grade! 

The Eternal God Speaks: 
Listen ... And Do! 

You Are Human: 
Obey The Written Word ... And Be Blessed! 

The Holy Spirit Of The All-Knowing God 
Will Never Contradict 
The Immutable Word Of The Ever-Present God 
Neither Should We Finite, Frail, Fallible Creatures! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Evil And Lies Can't Prosper 
Good And Truth Can't Perish! 
Do The Math 
Get To Stepping ... To Hill Zion! 

Be At Peace
With All People
Where Possible!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I See And Am Walking Upon The Path! Please Help Me To Walk Upon It Faithfully And Uprightly, And With Endurance, No Matter The Numerous Siren Calls To Relaxed And Unholy Living!


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