
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Trusting Almighty God's Positioning System

Don't Let Anybody Make You Feel Small 
You Accept The Holy Word
Know Your Own Wretched Condition
Clearly Say To All Listeners That 
You Personally Need King Jesus! 


Please Ever Remember That 
You Are A Product Of Man's Fall 
Firmly Choose To Remain Humble Before Your Lord 
No Matter What The Naysayers Say 
Or What Game The Gainsayers Play! 

In The Presence Of That Unbelieving Lot
Diligently, Gracefully, Live By Saving Faith 
Willingly Walk Wisely: 
Don't Run About Like A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off! 
Only Jesus Christ Saves!

Cling To The Truth ...

Striving For Heaven 
Is Not 
A Turkey Shoot 
Or A Ball-Game Lucky Shot: 
It's A Sure And Secure Promise! 

If You Can Trust A Fallible Human Like Yourself
You Should Decidedly, Ardently, Trust Your Creator 
Who Is Not A Fallible Creature
But Is

Being Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation
Dare To Live Like You Totally Trust 
Almighty God's Positioning System! 


Please Don't Let Harsh Words Or Stony Faces 
Turn Your Stomach Sour
Poison Your Push For Purity 
Or Cause You To Defy 
Deny Your Savior And Redeemer: 
The Good Book Doesn't Boast 
The Great And Glorious God Of Glory Can't Lie! 

Please Dare To Face Your Fears Through 
Saving Grace And Enduring Faith 
Therewith Press On 
Until You Reach The Sweet Bye And Bye! 

Choose ... By Available Grace ... To Stick To The Plan: 
We're Pilgrims And Strangers 
We're Just Passing Through The Earth! 
Longingly Think About Going Home To Heaven!

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Peace With God 
Profitably Pleasurable! 

1 comment:

  1. As Long As I Follow The Word Of God, The Living Truth, I Will Never Have To Wonder Or Worry About Where I Am Being Led: Thank You, Father, For The Truth That Cannot Die And The Faith Of Jesus Christ Which Can Never Fail!


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