
Friday, January 8, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + God's Gifts Are Eternal!


When Someone Leaves Something That 
You Desperately Need In Your Hot Hand
You Gratefully, Eagerly
Gladly Close Your Hand Tightly Over It
Seal It In A Death Grip That 
No One This Side Of Glory Can Unclasp! 

This Is How We Must Interact 
With Jesus Christ's Gift To Us Of His Peace 
Which Passes Human Understanding! 

Jesus Christ Gives The Peace! 
We, Believers In Jesus, Death-Grip The Perfect Peace 
No Damned Devil
Nor Self-Deceived Minion
Nor Demon-Inspired Heathen 
Or Hellion On Satan's "Payroll" 
Known Bound For The Fire And Brimstone Bath
Can Get Peace Even Out Of Your Then-Cold-By-Death Grip! 

What Christ Gives 
Our Own To Have
To Hold Now
Even Forevermore! 

Jesus Christ ... The Lord ... The King 
Doesn't Take Back His Gifts From Us! 

We, Unbelieving, Doubting, Distrusting
Beguiled Aka Fooled, Tricked
By Wandering Eyes And Affections
Throw Back .. Throw Away ... The Heavenly Gifts 
Into The Lord's Dear Face 
Then Suffer Horribly, Unnecessarily, For Our Folly: 
Some People Die In Or For Their Folly! 

Remember, Beloved
Almighty God Is True ... The Truth
All Human Beings 
All Fallen Angels 
Are Known And Bold Liars! 

Dare To Know The Truth That Sets You Free
To Be Perfectly Peaceful 
In Christ's Precious Peace
That Is His Personal Gift To You Personally!

Don't Be Like Lot's Wife!
Don't Despise
The Gifts Of Almighty God!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ Has Already Proved His Value To Me And In My Life And, By His Grace Toward Me, I Choose To Trust Him With My Life And My Future! Lord, Please Help Me To Trust You No Matter What Happens, Is Happening, Or Is Going To Happen! My Life Is In Your Holy Hands: I Love You, Lord!


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