
Monday, January 25, 2021

PRAYER: Lord, I Need You And I'm Neither Afraid, Ashamed Nor Sorrowful Over That Fact!


Help Me, Dear Lord
To Exercise Faith
Instead Of Petting Doubt!
Help Me, Please, I Beseech You
To Sing Your Praise
Instead Of About Self To Pout!
Help Me To Live In Your Love
Instead Of Licking Up Lies
Which Say That You Are An Absentee Landlord
A Licensed King
Without Affection Or Ties!

I Love You, Lord!
You Love Me True!
You've Been By My Side My Whole Life Through
By Your Gift Of Grace For Today 
Strength For The Way
Truth That Doesn't Stray
Faith That Pays
Blessings That Stay
Living Light Always
Holy Companions That Care
Hope For Glory To Share
The Holy Spirit Everywhere
Jesus Christ Interceding In Heaven Up There
The School Of Jesus
Correcting My Character Here
Living Markers Showing Your Love
The World Around
Makes Loving You ... Trusting You
Viable, Good, Right, Best
The Thing That Takes Me To Your Side
Where, Truly, I Belong!

I Am Blessed, Lord
To Know That You Care Enough
To Tell Me About My Sinful, Whorish, Behavior
Where I Say I Love You The Holy God
And Yet
In Fits Of Utter Madness
Wild Abandonment Of Your Awesome Majesty
I Recklessly Go After 
The Unholy And Profane Gods That 
Can't Even Carry Themselves! 
I Repent! 
Please Forgive Me! 

When I Think On You, Lord
Your Word, Your Character
I Am Amazed And Ashamed
To Have Exercised Love And License
Faith And Doubt
Unbelief And Disbelief 
In Our Relationship! 
Please Forgive Me ... I Repent!

You Provide Food And Shelter
Things For Beauty And For Glory
Fragrances To Tickle My Mind, My Senses
Things To Tantalize My Tastebuds
Things To Tingle My Ears
Things To Thrill This Soul With Peace 
Pointing To Your Preserving Love And Care
That Sabbath Rest That Restores My Soul
For Having Spent Time
In Your Quickening Presence! 

Forgive Me For Being As That Fool
Who, Lying, Says
As If There Is No God Almighty
No Judge Of Human Flesh
Fallen Angels Damned! 

I Hear Your Voice, Lord! 
Please Never Stop Talking To Me! 
I Need You
I Am Neither Afraid
Nor Sorrowful Over That Fact!
I Desire To Be Close To You:
Please Draw Close To Me!
I Am Willing To Your Faithful Servant:
Please Commission And Equip Me!
Please Hold My Hand
Correct, Direct, Protect 
Lead, Feed
Use Me According To Your Sovereign Will
Ever In Your Holy Way! 
I Am Willing, Lord!

I Make Myself Available To You, Father
For You Are My God!
You Know My Name, My Nature
The Length Of My Days
By Your Grace Upon Me
Through Your Gift Of Faith To Me
I Choose To Strive To Be An Overcomer Of Sin
A Diligent Servant Of My King
A Child Who Humbly Walks Before You, My God
For Holy Love That Does
Not For The Promised Rewards! 

Thank You For Your Abiding Love That Eternally Lasts! 
I Am Grateful For The Knowledge That Proves That
Godly Obedience Delivers
Love To God Elevates! 
Thank You For Hearing And Answering Prayer
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That
I Humbly Pray And Plead!
Please Come For Us Soon!

1 comment:

  1. I Thank You, Dear Father, For The Blessing That Sees Me Free In Jesus Christ My King ... And Never, Ever, Alone!


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