
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let Your Light Shine Before Men!

We Christians Are Called ... By Jesus Christ
The Light Of The World! 
How Sad It Is Then, That 
Most In The World Look Questioningly, Cross-Eyed
Or With Raised Eyebrows 
Wondering What Kind Of Christians Many Of Us Are
Asking What Kind Of "Light" We Are Shedding! 


Let's Take Heed To Ourselves!
Be Careful How You Walk! 
Be Mindful Of What You Say And Do! 
Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation 
See To It That Your Behavior 
Is Not 
Causing A Longing, Wandering, Seeking Soul 
To Turn Away From Saving Truth 

... And ... 

Be True To Your Calling 
To Be An Honest Steward
A Willing Witness
A Loved, Loving, Child Of The Eternal God 
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

From This Moment On
By The Available Grace Of Our Loving God
By The Holy Spirit's Leading, Teaching, Feeding 
Let No One Have Cause To Question Your Christianity 
Or Your Commitment To Our Lord Christ! 

You Didn't Buy Your Name: 
It Wasn't On Sale! 
Your Name 
Blessed, Holy, Everlasting
A Gift Of The Holy God
A Deposit ... If You Will ... Toward The Great Day 
When Having Assimilated The Total Character Of Christ
You, Perfected, Immortalized, Glorified
Shall Enter The Family Home On High 
To Live Eternally! 

Pray For Oil And Light Up! 
Shine, Dear Christian!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Spirit, Please Take Control And Bless Me, In The Name Of Jesus, To Fulfil My Assigned Role For Love Of My King!


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