
Thursday, February 18, 2021

PRECIOUS: The Lord God Almighty Doesn't Save Junk!

As Christians ... True Christ-Followers
We Are To Be Circumspect Aka Thoughtful, Cautious
In All That We Say And Do 
We Have The Desire To Avoid Mistakes, Missteps
Their Consequences! 
Remember, Confession And Repentance Cleanse From Sin 
It Never Relieves Us Of Sins' Consequences! 


King Solomon Has Warned Us Of 
The Fool Being Hasty In Speech And Action
Well-Given To "Fetching Up His Guts!" 
Being Uncaring Of The Consequences!

This Is Not The Way Of The Child Of God 
Who Is Taught Of God 
Who Is The Beneficiary Of The Gift Of Wisdom From God 
Is Able To Use Understanding
To Apply Real Knowledge For True Profit! 

The Lord Christ Redeemed Us
Aka Bought Us Back, From Sin
Death, The Grave And Hell 
We, Faithful Christians
Are To Redeem, Buy-Back ... Take-Back 
Our Finite, Short, Time From Lawlessness
Carelessness, Uselessness
Wickedness, Deceitfulness
Indifference, Foolishness 
All Such Unprofitable Behaviors! 

Every One Of Us Is Unique, Special ... Irreplaceable! 
If You Are Lost To The Kingdom Of God
Jesus Christ Is Irretrievably Harmed 
There Is No One Who Can Or Will Replace You! 
He Gave His Life To Save Our Lives! 

Let's Dare, By Working Faith, To Live Up To The Value That 
The Lord Jesus Christ Has Placed On Each One Of Us! 

Remember ...

The Lord ... Our Lord ... Doesn't Save Junk! 
Our Lord Christ Who Is God Almighty 
Saves That Which Is Precious:
That's You ... And Me, Too! 

Value Your Value To The Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Jesus, For Thinking Lovingly And Sacrificially About Me: My Life Is Yours!


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