
Saturday, February 27, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Best Doctors Are Free Today!

We Are Told That 
The Six Best Doctors For Good Physical Health Are 
Sunlight, Water, Rest, Air
Exercise And Diet! 

By The Word Of The Lord
For A Healthy Spiritual Life
We Need Truth, Faith, Peace
Love, Trust And Prayer! 

The Truth Of Almighty God 
The Light Of Life That 
Guides The Soul To Eternal Life! 

Faith In The Living God 
The Water Of Life That 
Cleans And Calms The Soul! 

Peace With The All-Seeing God 
The Rest That Restores The Soul! 

The Love Of The All-Knowing God 
Our Love For Ever-Present God 
The Pure, Clean, Air 
Without Which We Will Surely Die! 

Trust In The God Of Grace And Glory
Targeted, Vigorous, Exercise 
For Mind, Spirit 
Bodily Strength For The Strenuous Journey 
To Our Forever Home In Zion! 

Heartfelt Prayer To The Giving And Forgiving God 
Food To Make Us Alive 
For It Takes Us Up To The Lord Of Life 
Who Gives Us Abundant Life Now
Promises Us Eternal Life Hereafter! 

A Christian Who Doesn't Pray
Is Easy Prey Aka Cheap Meat
For Satan The Damned!


The Six Best Doctors ... Medical And Spiritual
All Work In Tandem Aka Together 
To Keep Us In Optimal Aka Good Health! 

If You Neglect One Doctor
He Will Not Complain 
You Will Feel The Lack And The Loss 
You Will Become Unbalanced In Your Experience: 
Don't Be Like The Prettified, Over-Stuffed, Three-Legged Chair! 

The Chair You Can't Sit Upon
The Tree That Will Not Fruit
Are Both Utterly Useless!

Let's Be Wise 
Bless The Lord Who Blesses Us With Perfect Doctors 
Whose Services Are Free-Free 
To Me And Thee ... Today 
Tomorrow's Sun Will Never Rise!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, You Are The Great Physician: I Need You! Please Help Me To Not Just Visit With You In Prayer And In The Reading Of The Living Word But To Also Obey The Instructions That You Give For Soul Preservation, And To Faithfully Follow After You Where You Gently, Safely, Lead Me!


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