
Saturday, February 20, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Righteous Living Is Not A Jail + No Repentance After Death!

Speak Softly! 
Be Kind! 
Do Good! 
Act Right! 

We Represent Jesus Christ
Who Does Everything That Pleases His Father! 
Jesus Was Abused, Denied, Rejected
And Yet
He Preached, Prayed, Taught
Healed And Fed The Multitudes
Giving No Heed To His Detractors
He Knew What Was At Stake
What Trial
What Triumph 
Laid Ahead! 

No Cross ... No Crown! 
No Hope ... No Glory! 
No Prayer ... No Power! 
We Must Firmly Stand Upon The Truth
Found Only In The Good News Gospel Story! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Let's Not Let Sinful-Self 
Choose Neither Our Attitude Nor Our Altitude
Let Grace, Faith And Prayer 
Order Our Steps To Glory
If It Is Truly Our Heart's Desire 
To Dwell Forever With The Kind King 
Who Is Eternally In Residence There! 

Fear Almighty God ... Not The Great Unknown
For Almighty God ... Alone 
Is In Control 
To Him
The Unknown Is Known! 

Let Jesus Christ The King
Who Rules And Reigns
Judges And Justifies
Saves And Sanctifies
Heals And Helps
Teaches And Tests
Loves Us And Leads Us
Love Us And Lead Us
For He Is Our Only Peace 
Our True Rest! 

Let Us Cease From Our Wanderings
Our Going Astray
Trust The Love That Cannot Fail
Who Gives Us Faith That Cannot Fail
Who Blesses Us With Grace That Is Really Real
Pours Mercy Upon Us
That Will Not Our Lives Derail! 

Follow Our Father! 
Be The Head And Not The Tail
Live Commendably To Rejoice 
Not Condemnably To Wail! 
Righteous Living Is Not A Jail! 



We Are Warned By Our Dear Savior That 
Anything Done In The Darkness 
Shall Surely Be Brought Into 
The Glaring Light Of Judgment! 

People Whose Deeds Are Evil
Who Despise Correction And Chastisement
Always Choose To Operate Under Cover Of Darkness 
To Avoid Detection! 


Be Ye Warned And Thrilled ...

The All-Seeing, Ever-Present Eye Of The All-Knowing God 
Sees And Records Every Last Thing That We Do! 

We May Hide From Man 
Hiding From Man Achieves Nothing 
It Does Not Hide Or Erase Our Record
In The Courts Above! 

Think Carefully ...

If You Have To Hide To Do Anything
It Is Certain That 
You Already Know That What You're Doing 
Or Contemplating Doing Is Wrong
Will Not Pass The Sniff Test
Is Definitely Not Pleasing To Our Maker, God And King! 

Be Wise ...

If You Would Not Wish To Be Caught 
Doing Something Iffy Or Sniffy By Your Parents
Children, Husband, Wife, Friends Or Family
You Should Back Up Off Your Intended Action:
A Working Conscient Is An Asset!

Avoid Mistakes By Walking In The Light
Dare To Correct Your Errors While Life Is Spared! 

Tomorrow Is Not Promised To Anyone 
So Do Not Let The Last Act Of Your Life 
Be A Dark Deed Of The Damned! 

There Is No Repentance After Death 
So Do Not Stifle Your Conscience: 
Do Right!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Help Me To Ever Remember To Do Right As I Walk Under Your Banners: Almighty God Is Love! Faith First, Last And Always! Heaven Is Home! Pray Without Ceasing! Holy Angels Are Watching Over Me! Out Of Deep Darkness Into God's Marvelous Light! Jesus Christ The King Is Coming Soon! Blessings Await The Faithful! Holy Spirit, Fall Afresh On Me!


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