
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Go Around Comes Around!

Are You Casting Away Funds, Food
Friends, Family
Your Future
Forever In The Faithful Father's Family!?! 

We Often Say, And Regularly Hear, That 
We Don't Have Tomorrow Put Down 
Or Tomorrow Is Not Promised! 
These Statements Are True 
We Need To Consider That What We Do Today
By Praying, Planning, Plotting Or Even Passively
Greatly Affects Our Prospect ..., Our Hopes
For A Beautiful Tomorrow 
In The Land Of The Forever Blessed! 


No Man Is An Island 
No Man Stands Alone: 
Everything That You Say And Do 
Impacts Your Self And Others! 

Be Aware ...

What You Toss Into The Trash 
Another Man's Treasure! 

What You Ignore, Someone Else Embraces 
What You Despise, Someone Else Loves! 

Search Your Self ...

Are You Like Judas Iscariot
Selling Imperishable Gold 
Ill-Advisedly Buying Burnable Silver!?! 

Are You Refusing The Father's Feast Of Good And Plenty 
Are Looking Longingly At The Husks That The Swine Eats!?! 

What Thoughts Are Filling Your Head!?! 

Who Is Making Your Heart Their Home!?! 

What Is In That Hand That You're Extending!?! 

Are You A Peace-Speaking Warmonger 
Or A Peace-Seeking Peace-Keeper!?! 
Do You Care!?! 

By Almighty God's Great Gift Of Grace
With A Willing Spirit
With Patient Endurance
Fix Your Face
Fix Your Feelings 
Fix Your Future: 
Go Around Comes Around!

1 comment:

  1. Bless Me, Dear Father, To Bless My Lord And My God By Being A Blessing To Others Without Thought Of Or Hope For Temporal Reward!


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