
Sunday, March 21, 2021

SHUN EVIL: Don't Indulge Rebellion!

Despite Popular Belief 
Self-Absorbed Inclination
There Is No Profit ... No Benefit
In Indulging In Rebellion: 
Rules Are Not Made To Be Broken! 


There Is Nothing Wrong With Asking "Why?" Or "What For?" 
About A Particular Rule 
There Is A Real Problem With Deciding In Your Own Mind That 
"Rules Are For Fools!" 
And Then 
Daring To Tell Any And All Listeners
"Nobody Can Tell Me What To Do!" 

Let's All Take Heed To The Warning 
So That We May, By Choice Through Grace, Be Blessed 
Saved Into The Eternal Kingdom! 

Please Remember That 
Our Bodies Must Follow Rules 
We Are To Remain Alive 


Never Forget That Satan ... Who Inspires Rebellion
Must Follow The Living God's Rules 
Even Though He Roundly Despises Their Stated Limits! 

Let Us Who Love Our Dear Jesus 
Choose To Indulge In The Most Perfect Form Of Heartfelt Worship 
Which Is Willing And Ready Obedience To His Will
His Way
His Laws
His Judgments And Precepts 
Which Give Us Open Access To All Of His Promises 
Known Sure, Secure And Blessed Forever! 

Please, I Beseech Us All, Do Not Follow 
The Wayward, Willful, Multitude 
Do Known Evil! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Rebellion Leads To Destruction And Death
Obedience Leads To Eternal Life 
In The Perfection Of Our Almighty God's Peace And Joy! 

Roundly Reject Rebellion
Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life
The True And Living Holy God
Who, Alone, Cleanses From Every Sin 
Saves, Seals
Eternally Blesses!!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Truly Believe That Your Every Word Is True And So I Beseech You To Help Me To Accept All That You Say And Not Be Willful To Indulge In Rebellion Against The Living Truth That Saves And Blesses!


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