
Sunday, March 7, 2021

VISITATION: The Fears Of The Wicked!

What A Wicked Person Fears The Most 
Shall Surely Visit Him!
Wicked People Fear Exposure Of Their Unholy Deeds
Ruin Of Their Carefully-Crafted "Reputation"
Loss Of Their Stolen Riches
Destruction Of Their Swanky House-Of-Cards Estate
Being Poor, Weak And Vulnerable
The Great Equalizer ... Death! 

The Faithful Child And Servant Of God 
Diligent Student Of The School Of Christ 
Desires The Goodness, Gifts, Benefits 
Blessings Abundant Spoken By The Mouth Of Almighty God 
Memorialized In The Word Of God!

We, Christians Called And Committed
Being Faithful, Obedient And Enduringly Trusting 
Ever Truthful In Life 
Unto Death 
Shall, In The Great Day, Receive The Desire Of Our Hearts
Being Forever At Home With Our Lord And God! 


Do Not Envy Or Follow The Wicked 
Who Ruin Themselves And Others: 
They Refuse To Know Jesus Christ 
Don't Choose Great Goodness And Available Grace! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
No Matter The Temptation
The Test
The Torment
The Bribe Or Supposed Benefit
Or The "We All In This Common Good!" Popular Notion
Choose To Stay On The Lord's Side 
Seeking The Good Portions 
Refusing To Be Pierced Through With The Many Sorrows 
Which Are The Self-Designed Lot Of Evil Men And Seducers 
Who Are On Satan The Damned's Putrid Payroll! 

Dare To Delight The Lord Of Love: 
Deal Fairly, Justly, Honestly And Rightly! 

Decide, By Grace ... For Love ... To Do Good 
Almighty God's Goodness Will Attend You Always 
In All Ways! 

Warring Against Sin

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Be Resolute In My Commitment To My Lord Christ!


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