
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

YOUR CONSCIENCE: Who Is Your Guide!?!

It Is All Well And Good To Say That 
Our Conscience Is Our Guide! 

The Question Is: 
By Whom And Upon What Is Your Conscience Being Fed!?! 

Is Your Conscience Alive And Working 
Or Has It Been Seared By A Hot Iron 
And Is Officially Dead!?! 


The All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present
Creator Sustainer God Holy Has Lovingly Said To Us: 
"Come Let Us Reason Together!"

In This Request To Us Is The Offer: 
Come And Be Taught ...
Come And Learn From Me 
Who Is, Was And Ever Shall Be! 

If You Are Resting Your Conscience 
Upon The Living Truth Of The Eternal One
Then Your Conscience Will Walk You Along The Path That 
Truth And Beauty! 

If, However, Your Conscience 
Resting On Self
Feeding Off What Makes The Stomach Churn
Living By Do-It-Yourself Theology
Being Guided By Entertainment 
While Forgetting That Time 
Is Not 
On Your Side
You May Want To Indulge In Some Good Housekeeping 
Get Yourself In Touch With Him Who Saves 
To Be Blessed By The Fortune That 
Comes From Actively Using 
Jesus Christ's Gift To Us Of Daily Faith! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Living In Willful Sin Is Not Okay 
So Let Us Be Wise Unto Our Own Soul's Salvation 


Being Taught And Corrected By The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
Allow Our Conscience To Be Our Perfected Guide To Safety 
Before The Inevitable
Every-Man Tests Of Life Arrive! 

Please Do Not Offend The Living God
But, Instead
Bless Him Who, Alone, Can Utterly Save Us!

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Know My End ... The Measure Of My Days ... So That I, Being Wise Unto My Own Soul's Salvation, Will Not Sin Against Thee!


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