
Friday, April 16, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH: Be Strong In ... And For ... The Lord Jesus Christ!

The Living Word Of God Does Not Say That 

"I Can Do All Things 
Including Breaking Every One Of The Laws Of God 
Written With The Finger Of God 
Through Christ That Strengthens Me!" 

The Word Does Not Say That 
The Lord Will Strengthen Us To Call Him A Liar 
As We Indulge In Presumptuous Aka Planned Sin! 

The Lord, The Word, Does Not Give Us Strength 
To Make 
Worship False Gods! 


Let Us Endeavor To Walk Very Softly 
In The Presence Of The Eternal God! 

Let's Stop Interpreting The Living Word 
According To Our Varied Lusts 
Vile Inclinations 
To Grant Ourselves Permission 
To Indulge In Perhaps, Maybe
Possible, If, But And And 
When The Lord Jesus Christ ... The Creator God
Plainly Says "Don't!"

We Are Not To Christen Pork And Call It Beef: 
We Cannot Bless Sin 
Call It Satisfaction! 

The Lord Strengthens Us To Serve Him Willingly! 

We Are Strengthened To Rid Ourselves Of 
Sin And Self ... Selfish Desires
So That We May Enter The Father's Glorious Presence 
Forgiven, Cleansed, Unafraid 

Be Ye Warned ... 

The Biggest Lies Told Are The Ones That 
We Tell Ourselves 
To Comfort Ourselves: Stop It! 

Be Gloriously Blessed ... 

Choose To Comfort Yourself Today With 
The Saving Truth! 

The Lord Will Strengthen You 
To Bear Up Under The Blinding Light That 
Blesses And Saves! 

Open Your Eyes! 

Perfect Peace With Almighty God Is Free!

Think About It ... 

Jesus Christ The Lord Of Earth And Glory
He Who, Alone Is Faithful 
Has Promised Never To Leave Us Nor Forsake Us! 
He Gives Us The Whole Armor Of God Of Which Prayer 
A Heavenly Piece Called Peace! 

If We Have Armor We Are In A War: 
We Have To Pray In A Warfare! 
War Is Hellish!

He Provides The Army Of Angels Excelling In Strength To Protect Us! 

He Has Given His Holy Spirit To Comfort, Guide And Correct Us 
He, Himself
The Captain Of Our Salvation! 

We Are Not Alone:
God, Almighty God, Is With Us! 

Let Us, Therefore, Ever Choose 
Always To Be At Peace With And In Him! 
Jesus Christ Saves! 

1 comment:

  1. Father, In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus, I Sincerely Repent For All The Times That I Used Your Blessings Upon Me To Willfully Walk Contrary To Your Ways And Your Will For My Life! Please Forgive Me, Cleanse Me, And Strengthen Me, I Humbly Beseech You, To Walk In Holiness From This Moment On So That I Will Be Blessed And Saved Into The Living Kingdom When My Lord Christ Shall Come To Take His Faithful People Home!


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