
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Consider Your Ways AND Your Days!

When We Were Children
The Elders Spoke Often About Malice Before Thought
About Being So Bent On Having One's Own Way That 
A Person Just Acted
Right Thinking Be Damned! 

A Favored Expression 
Playing Dead 
To See What Kind Of Casket You're Going To Receive! 


In The Old Testament Times
Swift Justice ... As A Sharp Curb On Lawlessness
Was Meted Out For Ought Aka Anything That 
Brought Almighty God's Name Into Disrepute! 

Today We See The Multitudes Using The Name Of The Lord 
Like It Is A Cheap Cloak Aka Cover For Bold Sin! 

Consider Your Ways ... 

Not One Of Us Has Control Over The Days Of 
Our Years As Allotted By God! 

Not One Of Us Is Guaranteed To Live Five Minutes From Now 
So The Question Must Be Asked: 
"Are You So Invested In Some Cherished Sin That 
You Are Willing To Have Your Probation Closed 
And Your Judgment Concluded 
And Your Record Marked 
UNHOLY: Still  And  FILTHY: Still 
Because In Satisfying The Raging Lust Of Your Flesh 
'You Have More Head Than Brain!?!'" 

Is Satisfying Your Flesh Worth More To You Than 
Having Your Soul Cleansed!?! 

Willful Sin 
So "Act In Haste And Repent At Leisure!" 
Should Daily Warn You To 
"Look Before You Leap!" 
"Think Before You Sink And Stink!" 

We Need The Lord To Breathe And Belong 
He Does Not Need Us To Reign And Rule! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me To Remember, Dear Father, Whose I Am And The Goal For Which I Am Striving By Your Available And Ever-Sufficient Grace! In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus, Thank You For All Of Your Blessings Upon Me! I Give You Praise!


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