
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Death And Life Do Not Cooperate!

What Dead Thing In Your Life Are You Holding On To 
Or Better Yet
What Dead Thing Is Holding You In Its Thrall Aka Its Clutches 
With You Calling It 
"The Thing Most Precious!?!" 


Death And Life Do Not Cooperate! 
Light And Darkness Don't Cooperate! 
Jesus Christ Does Not Cooperate With Satan
Neither Does Truth With Error, Hope With Doubt
Nor Sin Aka Damnation And Salvation! 
We Must Get Our Priorities In Order! 

We, As Christians
Must Desire The Appointment To Everlasting Life! 
We Must Live With Hope For Glory! 
We Must Willingly Choose Life 
Reach For Pleasures Forever By Severing All Ties 
With What Does Not Eternally Profit
Edify, Illuminate
Satisfy The Heart Of Our Savior! 

We Must Sacrifice Now 
To Enjoy Abundance In The Hereafter! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Cling To Dead Works
Dead Limbs
Dead Loves
Dead Dreams
Nor Living Liars Known Dead Like Satan 
Who Is Already Damned! 

Please Choose To Live 
Cut Your Losses No Matter What 
Your Gains In Jesus Christ Are Amazingly Glorious! 

You've Never Thought Of 
Or Seen Anything Like What Our Christ Jesus 
Has In Store For Those Of Us Who Love Him! 

Dare To Believe The Word As Written 
Dare To Be Blessed!


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Let The Corpses Of The Sins Of My Past Remain Buried In The Past Because I Have Confessed And Repented Of Them And You Have Forgiven Me As You Promised!


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