
Thursday, May 27, 2021

PERSISTENT RESISTANCE: Resistance Is Not Futile!


In The Kingdom Of The Blessed
Resisting The Devil
The Lying Murderer Supreme
Job One! 

Resisting The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
A Whole Different Ball Game! 

The Kingdom Of The Blessed 
Is Not 
Hollywood's Star Trek's Borg Collective 
Where "Resistance Is Futile!" 

While Not Advisable
It Is Totally Permissible For 
One To Resist The Holy Spirit 
Why Would You Want To Do Such A Thing!?! 

Just As When We Resist The Devil
He Surely Flees From Us
So Will The Holy Spirit Flee From Us 
When His Gentle Call To Our Own Soul's Salvation 
Persistently Resisted! 

Please Soberly Think 
About The Eternal Implications Of This Move! 

When We Resist The Devil
We Are Running Toward The Lord Jesus Christ! 
When We Resist The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Truth
We Are Running To And With The Devil! 

Jesus Christ Saves: 
Satan Damns! 


There Is No Mistaking 
The Direction One Chooses To Walk! 

The Holy Spirit Directs And Corrects! 
Satan Misdirects And Corrupts! 
The Holy Spirit Comforts And Keeps! 
Satan Terrorises And Creeps! 

The Holy Spirit Aka Your Teacher
Your Friend
Your Help 
He By Whom You Are Sealed 
- Against The Day Of Vengeance -
Can Also Resist You! 
Think Deeply About This 
In Godly Fear, Tremble! 

Please Wisely Choose 
To Humble Yourself Before The Lord: 
You Definitely Need The Holy Spirit Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I Choose To Invite The Holy Spirit Of Truth To Be The Guide Of My Life, The Teacher Of Truth, To Feed Me With Food That Is Good For Me, And To Correct Me So That I May Life And Not Die!


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