
Sunday, May 9, 2021

SIN: Cut-Back Or Cut-Out

Are You Living A Consistent Christian Aka Godly Life!?! 

If Some Contrary-To-Righteousness Act Had Been Performed 
Your Name Is Called For It
Would Anybody Say "False Accusation!" 
In Your Behalf!?! 

Are You Using The "Weakness" Of Your Flesh 
To Excuse The Weakness Of 
Your Faith In The Lord Christ 
His Ability To Bring You Perfected 
Before The Father's Throne!?! 

Are You Living The Life Of Riley 
Aka The Care-Free, Careless
Reckless, Do-As-I-Please Life Under The Lie That 
Makes You A Cut-Back-On-Sin Christian!?! 

Are You, Living A Just Life 
Being Merciful 
Emulating The Life Of Christ In All Of Its Beauty
A Cut-Out-Sin Christian!?! 


We Are Called To Perfection Which Demands That 
We Firmly Walk Away From Sin Aka Lawlessness
From Everything That Defiles 
To Become Perfect Even As Our Father In Heaven 

We Are Not Here 
To Comfort Our Lustful Flesh With Riotous Living 
To Be Cleansed
Made Right With Almighty God
Completed In Jesus Christ
Perfected In Love That Will Not Let Us Go
As We Sacrificially Love 
Willingly Serve The Lord Of Life! 

Let's Dare To Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
Choose Not To Do The P.E.G-Leg Thing 
Aka Don't Let Pride, Envy, And Greed 
Derail Our Journey To Our Promised 
Provided Eternal Blessings! 

Let's Remember That It Is Faith
- Not Flesh - 
That Blesses Us On The Way To Our Eternal Home! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Be Only What You Want Me To Be And To Do What You Will That I Should Do!


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