
Monday, May 3, 2021

THE INWARD LOOK: Spiritual Stock-Taking

What Are You Saying!?! 
Are You Aware Of What It Is That You Are Saying!?! 
Do You Understand That Your Mouth Speaks That 
Which Has Found A Home In Your Heart!?! 


Be Careful! 

We Should All Be In The Season Of Stock-Taking 
We Seriously Need To Personally Take Stock 
Take Knowledge Of What Things Are In 
The Various Departments Of The Storeroom That 
Our Heart! 

Where Is Love!?! 
Love For Christ!?! 
Love For Others!?! 

Have You Discarded Hate For Your Fellowman!?! 
Are You Indulging Hatred For Sin!?! 

Are You Cultivating Kindness, Caring
Willing Service!?! 

Have You Discarded Spite, Malice, Greed

Is Your Supply Of Saving Truth Daily Growing!?! 

Have You Discarded Lying, Innuendo, Half-Truth 
Raging Deceit!?! 

Have You Ordered An Abundance Of Hope!?! 

Are You Actively Working Faith For Today!?! 

Are You Cultivating Prayer, Gratitude, Thankfulness 
Willing Obedience!?! 

The Inward Look ... 

Please Take A Good Look At Your Heart! 
Open Every Department And Compartment 
Get Out The Gospel Hose 
And By Grace
Set The Pressure To New Heart 
Do The Necessary 
No Matter How Much It Hurts: 
Jesus Christ Heals Hurts! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Wrong Words
Just Like Spent Arrows 
Lost Opportunities
Cannot Be Recalled 
You Can Start A New Thought 
Have A Godly Conversation 
The Likes Of Which Will Please Our Dear Lord! 

Kind Words Aid Sleep! 

Choose The Peace Of God!

1 comment:

  1. Send Help, Dear Father, To Rid Me Of Satan's Comrades, In His Cockroach Campaign, Who Soil And Spoil Everything That They Touch In Their Devilish Desire For The Destruction Of All Of Us Who Call Jesus Christ Savior, Lord, God, And Forever Friend!


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