
Sunday, May 30, 2021

There Is No Reason For Sin!

We Would All Do Well 
To Understand, Accept
Remember That 
There Is No Little Sin, Big Sin, Or Trivial Sin! 

We Will Bless Ourselves By Confession And Repentance 
Aka Forsaking Sin When We Take To Heart The Fact That 
The Lord Our Righteousness Despises Both Hereditary Sins 
Aka Born-With Tendencies To Particular Sins 
Cultivated Sin Aka Sin Practiced By Willful Desire! 

Neither Birth 
Nor Lustful, Hateful Desires
Need ... Nor Want 
Are Excuses For Indulging In Known Sin! 


Let Us All Be Cautioned And Reminded That 
There Is No Reason To Sin 
There Is No Excuse For Sin! 

The Act Of Sinning Aka The Transgressing Of 
The Law Of Almighty God 
Straight-up Lawlessness! 

When We Indulge In Lawlessness 
Which Is Much The Same As Saying Like The Fool That 
There Is No God
We, In Willful Defiance Of The First Commandment
Make Ourselves God 
"Give" Ourselves Life And Death Power 
Over Our Brethren And Companions In This Life! 

We All Have One Life To Live
One Hell To Avoid 
One Heaven To Gain! 

Tread Softly In The Presence Of The Living God 
By And Through Whom You Live 
Are Permitted To Live Each Day! 

If You Are Able To Keep Yourself Alive 
Will Enter Heaven Under Your Own Steam
Do As You Please! 

If You Need Jesus Christ To Save You
Humble Yourself 
Daily Choose To Do What Is Good And Right: 
Bountiful Blessings Await You! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Never Again Indulge In The Folly That Is Willful Sin Or To Make Deceitful Even Lying Excuses For Known Sin!


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