
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Our Father Invests In Our Potential!

When A Company Invests In Its Workers
It Puts Its Money Behind Its Talk! 
It Uplifts Its Employees 
To Elevate The Company In Its Customers' Eyes! 

Our Father In Heaven 
Chose To Personally Invest In Us
His Wayward, Disobedient, Willful
Doubting, Disbelieving Children! 

To Prove Our Father's Great Love
His Only Begotten Son Willingly Offered Himself 
As The Perfect Sacrifice To Ensure That 
We Have A Priceless Education In The School Of Jesus 
With The Holy Spirit As The School Master Without Equal Or Better
The Holy Angels As Premium Body-Guards Excelling In Strength
The Perfect Book Of Truth And Wisdom As Guide Book
Work Book
Road Map 
Eternal Light! 

Graduates Receive A Prepaid, First Class, Ticket
Royal Garments
New Name
New Character
New Body
Gold Crown
Gold Harp
Water Of Life
Fruit From The Tree Of Life
A City Apartment
A Country Home,
An Eternal Education
Face To Face Interaction With Our Father 
Our Benefactor! 


You Have Access Which Has Reach 
Which Allows You ... By Your Personal Desire 
To Hold Eternity In Your Hand! 

Dare To Walk Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation 
Even If It Means 
Walking On The Path There Alone! 

He Who Invested In Your Future Loves You 
Even With Your Known Ugly Past
So Please Don't Waste Your Opportunity 
To Be Like Jesus Christ, The Lord
The Giving And Forgiving, Kind, King! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Have Faith In Your Wisdom So That I Will Wholly Trust You And Live According To The Value That You Have Placed On My Life Through The Willing Sacrifice Made By My Lord Christ On The Cross Of Calvary!


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