
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

GOOD OR BAD: Everybody Sets An Example!

Growing Up
We Were Always Instructed To Set A Good Example
To Follow Good Examples
To Never Be The Bad Example
The Means By Which Someone 
Led Astray To Do Evil! 

Surprise ... No Surprise
Anybody May Set An Example 
The Real Question Is
Are You Setting The Good Example 
Worthy For Others To Accept 
And ... With Wisdom


Jesus Christ The Righteous Judge
The Kind King
The Hope Of Every Man
Our Exemplar 
Aka Ensample 
Aka Perfect Example
The One Whom We Could "Close Our Eyes" 
Without Reservation
Dare To Follow Faithfully! 

We, However
Don't Follow The Lord Christ Blindly! 

We Follow Our Dear Savior 
Through Good Evidence
Faith That Cannot Fail
Trust That Will Never Be Abused 
With Love For The Holy Love 
Which Will Never See Us Being Made Ashamed! 

True Believers Aka Committed-To-Christ Christians
Are Not Ashamed Of The Truth 
We Should Never Be Afraid 
Or Ashamed To Permit Others To See Us 
Walking In Full Agreement With The Truth 
In The Living Light Of The Good News Gospel That 
Leads All Who Are Willing To Be Saved 
To Eternal Life! 

A Bad Example Costs The Wicked Instructor 
His Careless And Willful Imitators! 

The Good Example Rewards Both The Wise Teacher 
His Diligent Students! 

Please Let Us Dare To Direct Someone 
To The Good And Holy Way Today 
Without Hesitation, Fear, Or Shame: 
Jesus Christ Made The Way Plain 
He Always Saves!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I Desire To Set The Good Example For Others To Follow And So I Yield My Will To You Through The Gentle Ministration Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth, And The Good Influence Of The Holy Angels!


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