
Friday, August 13, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Sing Praises To God ... Here And Now!

As Pathfinders
It Was Drilled Into Us, In Part, That We Should 
"Walk Softly In The Sanctuary
Keep A Song In Our Hearts
And Go On God's Errands!" 


Dead Men Can't Walk
They Can't Keep
They Surely Can't Taste Anything
It Is Certain That They Can't Go On God's Errands! 

Think ... 

We Are Alive By The Saving Grace 
Constant Care Of The Eternal God: 
We Should Always Be Grateful For Grace 
Supremely Thankful For Mercy! 

The Songs Of Zion Are A Defensive Weapon 
To Keep Us In Hope 
For Our God's Sweet Tomorrow! 

The Songs Of Zion Are An Offensive Weapon 
To Keep Doubt, Fear, Discouragement, And Distress 
Aka The Legion Of Doom At Bay! 


Best Of All
These Sung Songs Of Zion 
Are Blessed Worship Of Our Great God 
They Will Not Be Denied Or Discouraged! 

How Interesting ...

We All Love To Talk About 
Singing Before The Throne Of God 
When We Get To Heaven! 

Caution ... 

If You're Not Singing Praises Here And Now
You Will Not Be Singing Praises There And Then! 

Let Us All Please Remember That 
The Songs Of Zion Are Written Out Of 
Going Through An Experience
     Overcoming A Trial
          Being Thankful For Grace And Mercy
    Loving And Knowing The Dear Savior
Just Wanting To Sing Of Our Precious Redeemer! 

What Song Will You Sing To Our King 
Who Is Love ... And Lovely
Now, Today!?! 

"I Know That My Redeemer Liveth!" 
My Song! 


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