
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Work-Horses Bear Their Cross While Show-Ponies Wear Their Cross

Users ... Loving Self And No Other 
Take From 
Abuse ... And Hate ... Willing Givers! 

Willing Givers Honor The Lord 
Humbly Serve Others 
And Yet
Are Savagely Abused By Users! 

Where Is The Love!?! 

Users Demand Sacrifice From Those They Joyfully Abuse:
Users, Abusers, And Haters Work For Satan
The Teacher Of The Master-Class 
On Misusing, Abusing And Hating Others ... Just Because! 

Willing Givers Emulate 
Serve The Great Example Who Modeled A Life Of Love
Willing Giving
Humble Service 
Heart-Felt Caring! 


We Have A Choice To Make 
The Chance To Make It! 
Be Wise! 

On Good Evidence
Please Choose To Be An Humble Work-Horse 
For Jesus Christ The Lord: 
Don't Be A High-Stepping Show-Pony 
For Satan The Damned
The God-Fraud! 

High-Steppers Can Bear No Load 
Or Burden Of Care! 

Work-Horses Carry No More Than God-Appointed Weight 
Relief From The Dear One's Burden 
By His Master's Design 
And Not
By Liar-Man Satan's Known-Idolatrous
Good-For-Nothing Fate! 

Please Serve Your Savior 
Not Your Self-Serving, Self-Satisfying, Senses!

Peace With The Lord Is Precious: 
Purposefully Pursue Peace 
With The Prince Of Peace 
With Passionate Persistence 
Through Godly Power! 

Be Well, And Be Gloriously Blessed! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, By Your Great Grace And Mercy, I Am Humbly, Faithfully, Bearing My Cross And Following My Lord Christ By The Ministrations Of The Holy Spirit Who Leads Your People Into All Truth On The Strait And Narrow Way And, At The Appointed Time, Into The Holy City!


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