
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

DOING AS YOU PLEASE: Don't Tempt The Lord!


Think About These Things ...

Water Over A Low Flame Simmers! 


You May Blissfully Play The Annoying Game 
"I'm Not Touching You!" 
Until The Offended Party Slaps The Snot Out Of You! 


There Is An Old Saying About Poking A Dog With A Stick! 
Poke The Dog One Time Too Many 
You Will Rue The Day You Walked Without Wisdom! 

You May Be Able To Destroy The Animal Afterward 
Surprise, Surprise, No Shock
No One Can Destroy The Creator God
Who Has The Final Say In Everything! 

Answer If You Dare ...

How Long Can We Offend The Lord 
Before He Rocks Our World!?! 

Do Not Tempt The Lord! 

Look Around And See! 
Turn Around And Hear! 
Look Out And Weep For The Multitudes Of People
Young, Old
Rich, Poor
Free And Imprisoned 
Who Believed That 
They Could Control Almighty God's Sweet Tomorrow! 

We Are Promised One Day Of Life 
That Is Today:
Our Today Actions Decide Our Tomorrow Outcomes! 

The Fact Is ... 

If Tomorrow's Sun Rises For Us
The Day Will Be Called Today
So Please Let Us Use Today
This Moment
This Minute
This Hour
This Day
To Accept The Leading Of The Lord 
So That By His Slow Anger Aka His Saving Grace 
We May Rise Above The Morass Of Sin 
Walk Unto Sure Salvation! 

Wise Up ... 

Indulging In Folly 
Is Not 

Do The Will Of The Eternal God! 
Walk In The Holy Way That Leads To Everlasting Life
Choose To Accept Mercy ... Available And Free
The Day Of Our Redemption 
Drawing Near
Only Those Of The Household Of Unfailing Faith
- Enduringly Faithful, Obedient, Loving, And Kind To End -
Will Be Redeemed! 

Please .. I Beseech Us All 
Willingly Obey The Lord While It Is Still Today
Be Gloriously Blessed! 


Doing As You Please
Does Not Stretch Far Enough
To Allow You To Do "It"
As Long As You Please!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Am Faithfully Listening To Obey! Please Lift Me Up According To Your Sovereign Will And In Your Holy Way!


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