
Monday, September 20, 2021

Permission To Be Loving ... And Honest!?!

One Of The Most Lawless Statements 
Ever Uttered By A Human 

"It Is Okay
To Be Loving And Honest
At The Same Time!" 

Lord Jesus, 
Please Save Us From Our Own Folly! 

Love And Honesty Are Irrevocably Bound Together! 
Love Without Honesty Is A Lie! 
Honesty Is Truth With Love! 
Love Is Always Honest: 
God Is Love! 
Love Is Always Truthful: 
Jesus Christ Is The Truth! 

Love Lights The Pathway Home! 
Home Is Where Jesus Christ Is: 
Jesus Christ Is Home! 
Home Is Filled With Light! 
The Light Of God Is Life! 

Jesus Christ Is The Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life Of Every Man! 

The Love Of God 
The Light In Every Man! 

Almighty God Is Good! 
Good Never Changes! 
Love Never Changes! 

Love Is Honest! 
Love And Honesty Equal Life! 
Love Doesn't Lie: 
Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself! 

Please Remember This: 
The Dishonest Heart Will Never Enter The City 
Where Love Divine ... Love Eternal 


Man's Permission
To Be Loving And Honest
At The Same Time
The Excuse
To Be Hateful And Dishonest
When "Necessary!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Father, For Showing Me By Your Example That There Is No Separation Between Love And Honesty! Please Help Me To Model This Example For Others In My Daily Life!


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