
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

REGENERATION: Radical Rebuild By Reformation!

How Do You Wish To Be Transformed!?! 

Will Icing On Ginger-Bread Suffice 
Aka New Hair-Do, Wardrobe, Eyeglasses
Table Etiquette And Language Lessons, And New Friends!?! 

How About An Attitude Adjustment 
As Can Only Be Accomplished By 
The Inward Working Of The Holy Spirit Of God 
With Your Total Cooperation!?! 


To Accomplish A Transformation That 
Will See Us Arriving Safely In The Heavenly Land 
Requires A Gut Rehabilitation
A Very Painful, Uncomfortable
Unwanted But Necessary Strip Down
Rip Out
Scrape Off
Burn Off
Throw Out 
Radical Rebuild By Reformation! 

If You've Ever Cut Your Finger
Gotten A Stye In Your Eye
Broken A Bone
Gotten Burnt
Fallen On Gravel Or Cement
Gotten A Thorn Or Had A Sliver Of Wood
Glass Or Metal Enter Your Skin 
Have Endured The Revealing, Extraction, Cleaning
Regenerative Process Required 
To Make You Whole, Fit ... Functional
You Know That Quick, Cheap, And Piece O'Cake 
Are Not Descriptions Thrown Around! 

The Lord Jesus Who Knows Us Each Individually 
Better Than We Will Ever Know Ourselves
Desires To Transform
Reform Us To Render Us Ready 
Able To Stand Before His Consuming Presence 
Not Die! 

Just The Facts ...

Neither Buttercream Nor Royal "Icing" 
Will Cover The Rough Surface Of 
A Sinful Character 
Nor The Jagged Lines Carved Into Us 
By Walking Wild On Base Broadway! 

Be Encouraged ... 

He Who Calls Us To Be Transformed
Readies Us For 
Accompanies Us In Our Transformation 
Has Already Footed The Big Bill For Our Bad Behavior! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous Paid For It All
So That All We Have To Do 
Accept The Service Of Sacrificial Love 
By Faith
With Cooperative Obedience
To Gain The Eternal Blessed And Beautiful Benefit Of 
The New Birth! 

Joy Comes In The Getting-Up Morning! 


1 comment:

  1. I Am Yours, Dear Lord: Please Make Me Over And Bless Me To Cooperate With You Always And In All Ways!


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