
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dare To Be Like King David!

We Are Asking Our God To Create A Clean Heart Within Us 
Our Present Heart Is Dirty, Unclean! 

We Are Asking To Have A Renewed Right Spirit Placed Within Us 
We Have Been Operating With A Wrong, Ungodly, Spirit That 
Worn And Torn By An Ill-Spent Life! 

We Are Asking The Lord Not To Cast Us Away From His Presence
Not To Take Away His Holy Spirit From Us 
Our Behavior Is So Egregious
Outrageous And Obnoxious, That 
It Is Offensive To The Holy One 

... And ... 

Warrants The Sternest Condemnation 
Which Is The Taking Away Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Grants Us Peace
Blesses Us With Rest And Refreshing! 


Never, Ever, Place Yourself Outside Of 
The Correcting, Checking, Guiding Influence Of 
The Lord God Almighty! 

King Saul Became Too Big For His Britches 
He Paid The Ultimate Price 
Aka The Lord Rejected His Pleas For Comfort And Aid! 

Lacking The Secure Anchor For His Soul
Saul Visited The Accursed Witch At Endor
After Playing On Satan's Enchanted Ground
He Finally Killed Himself 
He Had No Hope ... No Future! 

King Saul Had Maliciously Written 
Arrogantly Starred In His Own Demon-Inspired Movie 
Regretted His Own Prideful Performance 
In The Day Called Too Late! 

It Is Wise To Be Teachable: 
Humbly Accept Godly Correction
Confess Your Known Sin
Bless God! 
Be As King David! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Forgive My Foolish Ways And Bless Me As I Confess And Repent Of My Known Sin! Please Help Me To Walk In The Light That Leads To Eternal Life Because It Is My Desire To Meet My Lord Christ In Perfect Peace! I Thank You For Your Manifold Blessings!


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