
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Drop The Sin: Cling To The Son!

We Have A Cross To Bear! 
We Have A Crown To Wear
Bless God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord
We Have His Glory To Share! 

A Word To The Wise ... 

I Can't Bear Your Cross
You Can't Wear My Crown
All Who Share Jesus Christ's Glory 
Will In His Likeness Be Found! 


Don't Ever Forget That None Will Gain The Kingdom 
When The Inescapable Truths Of The Gospel 
They Deliberately Neglect! 

A Name Won't Elevate You! 
A Beautiful Bank Balance Won't Set You Apart
A Power-Broker Won't Get You Into Heaven 
When All You've Done With Your Life 
Use And Trade In 
The Compromised Pharisee Leaven Aka Sanitized Lies! 

Do Not Sell Gold And Buy Silver! 
Do Not Use Lies To Rise! 
Do Not Do Wrong To Win Rights
Do Not For Filthy Lucre Aka Dollar Bills 
Your Brethren's Prosperity Blight! 

Think On Christ Jesus 
Give Him Your Sin! 

Be Penitent And Humble
By Working-Faith Enduring
Through The Pearl Gates Of Heaven ... By Right
Confidently Walk In! 

There Is No Profit In Kept Sin! 
Drop The Sin 
Cling To The Son! 


1 comment:

  1. Bless Me, Dear Father, As I Choose To Take Up My Cross And Follow Jesus Christ The Lord So That I, In The Day Appointed, May Wear The Promised Crown Of Life! I Need You, Lord! Please Have Mercy Upon Me!


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