
Friday, November 12, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + The Exercise Of Wisdom Pays!


The Acquisition Of Knowledge Costs: 
The Exercise Of Wisdom Pays! 

Jesus Christ Saves:
We Know For Sure That He Saves! 

Of What Use Is Your Knowledge Of 
Jesus Christ's Free-To-You Salvation 
You Don't, Can't, Won't Use It To Save Your Own Soul 
Bless Others!?! 

With Knowledge Should Come Conviction! 
With Conviction Should Come Conversion! 
Conversion Leads To A Change Of Direction! 
The Changed Direction 
Should Lead To The Desired Destination Of 
The Forever-Blessed! 
The Forever-Blessed Shall Reside In Zion
The City Of The God Glorious! 

I Beseech Us All, Beloved, 
To Go For The Gold That 
Tried In The Fire Of Affliction 
Which Will Leave Us Pure, Undefiled, Blessed
Sealed Against The Day Of Destruction
The Great Day Of Small Things
The Day Of Deliverance! 

Please Pray For Me As I Pray For You: 
The Effective Fervent Pray Of 
A Righteous Man, Woman And Child 
Availeth Aka Accomplishes Much! 

The Lord, Our God, Does Indeed See Us! 
May This Knowledge Help Us 
To See Him In The Beauty Of Holiness 
Bless Us To Accept The Unspeakable Gift Of Life 
So Expensively Purchased For Each Of Us Individually!


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Take Me Under Your Control And Bless Me To Be wise Unto My Own Soul's Salvation. And Bless Others To Know The Truth That It Is Jesus Christ, Alone, Who Saves Repentant Sinners!


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