
Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Living Word Works To Bless You!

What Does The Eternal Word Of Almighty God Mean To You!?! 

What Are You Doing To Keep The Word Of Truth In Your Memory!?! 

When Something Happens To You Or Someone You Know Or Care For
What Kinds Of Emotion Well Up In Your Heart Because Of 
The Perfect Word That Comes Into Your Mind That 
Meets The Then-Present Situation!?! 


The Word Of The Almighty God 
Treasure To Be Discovered
Purchased, Stored
Displayed, Shared
Enjoyed, Discussed
Meditated, Loved
Obeyed, Prayed
Rested On
Sheltered Under! 

However, None Of This Will Happen 
Unless Or Until 
We Choose To Believe The Sender
The Source
The Savior! 

We Do Not Have A Good-Time Savior
A Fair-Weather Sender
A Seasonal Source! 

We Have The Creator-God Sender 
The Savior-Friend Source 
Who Are One ... All-Seeing
All-Knowing, Ever-Present 

He Who Sacrificially Loves Us
Loves Us Warts And All! 

He Who Calls Us 
Will Regenerate Us To Be What We Were 
Before The Fall! 

He Who Bids Us To Study To Show Ourselves Approved
Teaching Us ... By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Who Leads Us Into All Truth
To Know, Understand
Walk Wisely Through And By The Preserved Word! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Fortify Your Mind With The Word That 
Works Wonders In The Heart Of Man Who Hungers 
For The Food That Is Always Good For The Soul! 

The Blessed Word Of God 
A Lamp For Our Feet 
A Light For Our Path! 

Remember, Beloved
The Living Word Will Keep You From Sin 
Sin Will Keep You From The Saving Word! 
The Choice To Be Made, As Usual, Is Personal! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self! 


1 comment:

  1. I Thank You, Dear Father, For The Living Word Of Truth That Daily Bids Me To Walk Toward The Light That Leads To Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ My Lord!


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