
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Blessed In Sin!?! Really!?!


A Condition Of Performance
So Let No One Fool You: 
The Blessings Of The Lord Are Conditional Upon 
Our Willing Obedience To His Word Which States His Will 
Encourages Us To Walk In His Ways! 

Adam And Eve's Residence In The Garden Of Eden 
Was Maintained By Their Obedience To The Word 
Not To Eat Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil! 

They, Instead, Took The Word Of A Lying Snake
Behaved In A Satanic Way
Were Chased Out Of Eden 
Never Again To Walk Peacefully In The Cool Of The Day 
With Their Creator, Lord, God, And Glorious King! 


The Sin Of Disobedience Brings With It Deflection 
Aka The Ready Willingness To Blame Others For Our Cockups: 
The Devil Can't Make You Do Anything! 

There Is This Rubbish Statement That 
Uttered To Impress The Impressionable 
The Untaught, The Unlearned, In The Ways Of The Living God: 

"Look At Me! 
Envy Me! 
I Have Lots Of Stuff! 
I Am Truly Blessed By The Lord!" 

Know This ...

Holiday Turkeys Have Lots Of Stuff In Them 
They Get Eaten! 

Fancy Stores Have Expensive Stuff In Them 
They Get Robbed 

... And ... 

Having Lots Of Stuff In Your House 
No Peace With Almighty God 
No Love For Others In Your Heart 
A Curse! 

May Jesus Christ Bless Us All With Humility, Wisdom
Understanding To Rightly Use Available Knowledge 
To Gain The True Heavenly Blessings! 


Earthly Stuff Cannot Enter
The Eternal City!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Ever Choose To Make Proper Use Of The Living Truth So That I Am Purged Of The Desire To Collect The Envy-Inducing Stuff And Nonsense Of The World Which I Cannot Take To Sweet Beulah Land With Me!


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