
Monday, December 6, 2021

Do Not Act Impulsively!

How Often Have We Heard Someone Say: 
"I Lost My Head!" 
After Acting Presumptuously 
In Haste!?! 

Oh, How Satan ... The Bounty-Hunter 
Loves To Hear Those Words Uttered 
In The Leisurely Activity Called Sorrowful Repentance! 

A Scornful Dog Eats Dirty Pudding 
The Impulsive, Hasty To Be Angry Person 
Gets To Slowly, Sorrowfully, Eat 
The Usually Unpalatable Patty Of 
Remorse And Regret 
They Are Wise Unto The Saving Of Their Own Soul! 

We Are Imbued By Our Maker-Savior With 
The Ability To Think Clearly 
Reason Wisely! 

Unfortunately, Many Of Us Choose To Act Irrationally
Impulsively ... Foolishly
Giving In To Sinful-Self While Forgetting That 
All Acts Have Outcomes
Many Of Which Are Unintended
Most Of Which Can Never Be Corrected! 

Please Don't Put Your Brain In Park 
While Your Mouth, Hands, And Feet Are In Motion! 

Let Us Remember What We Were Taught In Primary School 
When Learning To Cross The Street: 

Look Right! 
Look Left! 
Look Right Again
Then Cross 
The Way Is Clear! 

Weigh The Pros! 
Weigh The Con


Remember That Impulsiveness 
Never Lays Out The Warm, Comfortable
Pretty Bed Of Peace And Quiet! 

Think Twice ... Even Thrice
Before You Act, Act Up, Or Act Out! 

Please Practice Self-Control: 
It Is One Of The Choice Fruits Of The Holy Spirit! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, I Beseech You To Take Me Under Your Control By The Sweet Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth! Please Keep Me Calm!


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