
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

OPTIONS: Temporary Satisfaction vs. Eternal Bliss!


We Have Options! 
We Have The Choice Between Truth And Error
Good And Evil
Careful And Careless 
Temporary Satisfaction And Eternal Bliss! 

For A Committed Christian
The Idea Of Having 
"A Lil' A Dis Right 
And Summa Dat Wrong" 
Like Eating Off A Buffet Table 
An Illusion! 


Consider That You Are A House Well Maintained 
Until One Fine Day 
When Some Howlie Broke One Of Your Windows! 

You're Angry 
You Have Someplace To Be 
You Really Don't Feel Like 
Dealing With That Issue Right Now! 

You Go About Your Business 
Which Turned Out To Be Profitable 
In Euphoria
You Forget About The Broken Window! 

Somebody Else Didn't! 

That Minor Broken Window 
Transformed Into Your Major Problem 
When It Became The Gateway For Thieves 
Whose Wicked Activities Were Only Discovered 
When Your Haphazardly-Managed House-Alarm 
Was Eventually Triggered! 

For Being Willfully Careless
You Were Wiped Out When The Thieves Cleaned Up! 
You Have To Start Over ... If You're Able! 

Dear Ones, 

Build Back Better 
Euphemism For 
"I Dropped The Glass Ball!" 

Knowing Right And Doing Wrong 
So Please Clean Up Your "Little" Sin 
Before Bad Habit Turns Into Planned Sin 
Which Turns You ... Unwise
Into A Reprobate
Unapproved By Almighty God! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self And ... Think 
Get Your Bible-Scale 
Weigh Short-Term Ungodly  Ease 
Against Eternal Heavenly Bliss! 

You Know The Truth: Embrace It! 
You Know The Way: Walk In It! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Be Wise Even Unto The Saving Of My Own Soul: Help Me To Comport Myself In Such A Manner So That I Will Receive Your Seal Of Eternal Approval!


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