
Monday, December 20, 2021


In Primary School
We Were Rigorously Taught: 

"If At First You Don't Succeed
Try, Try, Again!" 

These Are Good Words To Live By 
Surprise, No Surprise
This Sentiment Is Plainly Expressed 
In The Living Word Of Truth! 


A Baby Doesn't Learn To Walk In A Day
A Toddler Is Neither Potty-Trained Nor Speaks Plainly 
In An Hour
Neither Does A Kindergartener Learn To Write Fluidly 
In Five Minutes! 

We Are Justified ... Made Right With Our God
In The Instant That We Humbly
Accept Jesus Christ As Savior, Lord, God, And King 


Being Sanctified
Set-Apart For Holy Use
Attaining Unto The Mind Of Christ
Being Regenerated In The Image Of God
The Solid Work Of A Lifetime! 

We Are Prone To Sinning By Nature 
We Are Nurtured To Holiness By The Holy Spirit 
Moment By Moment Of Each Day
As And When We Choose To Completely Cooperate 
With Our Lord Christ! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Choose Endurance
If You Desire To See Jesus Christ In Perfect Peace! 

Pray, Plead, And Plod On! 
By Saving Grace
Try To Reach Higher Heights Daily
Trust The Savior Wholly And Solely
Live By Truth Absolutely! 

Get Up From Setbacks 
Get On With Living For Jesus! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Trust Jesus Christ My Lord And His Living Word Of Truth, And By Your Saving Grace, The Comfort, Correction, And Leading Of The Holy Spirit, And The Protection Of Holy Angels Excelling In Strength, I Choose To Press On To The City Of God Come What May!


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