
Saturday, December 4, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Control Is Cream For The Proud And Greedy!

Pride And Greed Go Together 
They Are Poor Substitutes For Love: 
They Lead To Planned Sin! 

The More Pride We Display
The Less Love We Enjoy! 
The More Greed We Incubate
The More Pride We Activate! 


All Who Take Pleasure In Pride And Greed 
Will Ultimately Utilize Pressure And Force 
To Get Their Own Way
To Inflict Their Will Upon Others! 


Our Dear Savior Saves! 
He Made The Way For Us To Be Saved 
He Cannot Save Us Until We Acknowledge That 
We See Our Obvious Danger
And In Godly Fear
Recognize That He, Alone, Is Able To Save Us
And In Faith
Call On Him For His Saving Grace, His Saving Power
And In Need
Humbly Reach For His Outstretched Hand Of Help And Healing! 

Jesus Christ Aka Love 
Not Proud
He Is Not Greedy For Converts! 
He Knows All Who Are His Very Own! 

Our Dear Jesus Invites Us To His Side 
So He Has No Need To Use Force 
To Bring, Bend, And Bind Us To Him
And Thereby 
Usurp Our Free-Will 
Freedom To Choose To Accept His Will Or Not! 

Our Jesus Has Manners: Satan And His Kind Do Not! 

Present Comfort
Does Not Equal Future Peace ...

Even In The Face Of Unchained Unkindness
Never Permit Anyone To Force Your Will 
Never Give In To Wickedness 
To Receive A "Little Comfort" Now For Your Body! 

The Wickedness Of Pride And Greed 
Never Satisfied With A Little Bit
Since Control Is Their Cream! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Accept Jesus Christ's Perfect Gift Of Love 
Let Satan's Pride And Greed Be What They Are ... Damned!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, I Place My Trust In You Because I Know From Personal Experience That Your Word Is True! Please Help Me Not To Yield To I-Feel, I-See, And I-Hear Because "Thus Saith The Lord!" Points Me To You Who Does My Every Burden Share And Bear! I Love You, Lord!


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