
Saturday, December 11, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Only Almighty God Cannot Change!


Jesus Christ Saves All Who Are Willing To Be Saved 
From The Penalty, Power, And Presence Of Sin! 
This Is Amazingly Good News! 


The Soul That Sinneth, It Shall Die: 
It Is Appointed Once For Man 
To Die The Death From Which We Can Recover! 

The Wages Of Sin Is Death! 

Jesus Christ Saves Us From The Second Death 
Aka Eternal Separation From God! 

Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Aka Power 
Over Those Who, By Faith, Choose To Accept The Gift Of The Grace
The Power, Provision, And Protection Of The Living God! 

Blessed Is The One Who Chooses Not To Walk In Aka Follow 
The Counsels
The Prompts, 
The Advice Of Ungodly People! 

Examine Yourself! 
If You Are Being Ungodly
You Are Rejecting The Law Of God Which Makes Aka Marks You 
As Lawless 
A Sinner By Choice 
Not By Virtue Of Being Born That Way! 

Please  Remember That We Have Choice And Chance
Free-Will And Freedom To Choose To Do And Live Right 
Aka Live A Sinless Life
To Bless The Eternal God
So Let No Created Being Convince You That 
You Cannot Change 
Aka Cannot Get The Victory Over Sin! 

Anyone Who Says They Cannot Change 
Become God
Is A Liar, A Leech, A Thief
An Unrepentant Sinner 
Effectively Damned! 

There Is Only One God ... The Living, Almighty, Holy God: 
Adore Him! 
Give Him Dominion:
 He Is Worthy! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Lord, For Being The Rock Of My Salvation, The Shelter In The Time Of My Storm! I Am Grateful To Be Able To Give You Dominion Over My Life Because I Know That You Will Never Be Domineering: I Am Blessed!


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