
Friday, January 21, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + At The Border Of Change!

Walking To The Border Of Change In The Valley Of Decision 
Is Not 
A Journey For The Self-Sufficient 
Or For Those Who Know Not How To Be Humble, Meek! 

Living Wisdom Says: 

He Who Knows Not
Knows Not He Knows Not
He Is Fool: 
Shun Him!

He Who Knows Not
Knows He Knows Not
He Is A Child: 
Teach Him!
He Who Knows
Knows He Knows
He Is A Wise Man: 
Follow Him! 

Our God Eternal Is All-Knowing
So Let Us, As Believers, Adopt The Persona Of A Child 
Permit Our Father To Teach Us All That We Need To Know 
So That We Will Have The Sense 
To Follow His Leading At The Border Of Change 
So That We Will Cross The Valley Of Decision Safely 
Reach The Promised Land Unscathed! 


A Self-Sufficient Person 
Will Never Court Humility Or Meekness 
In Order To Ask For Much Needed Help! 

Since We Are Warned Against 
Leaning On Our Own Understanding
Doubting That The Lord Himself Is Able To Help Us
It Stands To Reason That Anyone Smelling Of Self 
Will Have No Need Of The Savior! 

Please Don't Fall Into Satan's Well-Set Trap Of Pride! 

We Need The Lord Jesus Christ
We Need To Be Rid Of 
The Deadly Influence Of Satan, King Fraud! 

Meekness And Gentleness
- The Opposite Of Pride -
Were Good Enough For Our Dear Jesus 
In His Earthy Sojourn
So They Must Be Good Enough For Us! 

Please Exercise Your Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day
Or You Will Not The Great Gates Of Pearl Enter In! 

Change Must Come: 
Dump Self 
Dump Sin For The Eternal Win! 

Be Your Heavenly Father's Well-Beloved
Obedient, Trusting, Child! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of The Holy Jesus, I Beseech You To Lead Me Gently, Safely Home: Help Me To Do All That You Ask In Humility And With Gratitude For Your Saving Grace So That At The Time Appointed, My Change Shall Come!


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