
Friday, January 7, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Hold Hope In Christ Or Handle Hell With Satan!

A Humble, Praying, Saint 
Makes Proud Satan's Knees Weak! 


We Must Go Through Present Peril 
To Get To Everlasting Peace! 

We Must Overcome Sinning 
To Arrive At Sanctification! 

We Must Overcome Ungodly Fear 
To Enjoy Freedom In Christ! 

We Must, By Grace, Conquer Our Heart 
If We Will Rule Our Head! 

We Must Hold Hope In Christ 
Or We Will Handle Hell With Satan! 

We Must Deny Ungodly Passion 
Or Die In Satanic Pride! 

We Cannot Seek The Savior 
Also Serve Self! 

When We Mind The Master 
We Will Master Our Mind! 

When We Trust The Lord Aka The Truth 
We Will Be Truthful In Our Trusting! 

We Are Blessed With Daily Faith 
Our Faithfulness Blesses Us Daily! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Blessed Savior Has Done The Hard Work For Us 
By Enduring Faith Which Works By Love
We Will Reap The "Sweets" Of Sure Salvation!
We Must Do Our Part
Trust And Obey! 

Please Remember, However, That 
Almighty God's Saving Grace 
Does Not Cover 
Unrepentant Man's Unconfessed Greed 

Do Not Tempt The Lord! 

There Is No Balancing Act 
Or Fence Riding 
In Christ's Christianity: 
It's All In Or All Out! 

Earthly Riches Are Not A Safety Net: 
Jesus Christ Is! 
Therefore, Let Your Motto Be: 
It Is Best To Wear Out In The Service Of The Savior 
Than To Burn Up Through Being Served By Satan! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self: 
We Are Overcomers In Christ Jesus ... Alone! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, For Being The Mighty Rock Where I Hide In This Weary Land And My Shelter In The Time Of My Storms!


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