
Monday, January 31, 2022

No Clones: No Lemmings!

There Will Not Be Any Clones Or Lemmings 
In The City Of God 
So It Is Amazing To See The Professed Children Of The Heavenly Father 
So Caught Up In The Ways Of The World That 
There Is No Obvious, Apparent, Difference Between 
A Christian And A Worldling! 


How Do You See Yourself!?! 
How Does The World See You!?! 
How Do You See Yourself In Christ Jesus!?! 
Do You Know Who You Are In The Lord!?! 
Do You Even Care!?! 

Christians Are Heads, Not Tails
Light, Not Darkness
Salt, Not Brackish
Not Carbon Copies, Book-Ends
Nor Mass-Produced Worn-Edged Copies Of
An Over-Used Mold For Under-Performing Cups, Buckets And Bowls! 

Be Warned! 

Following The Multitude Does Not Exempt Us 
From Being Personally Held Responsible For 
Paying The Price For All That We Do In The Flesh! 

Please Choose To Remember Who You Are In 
For Christ Jesus 
Dare To Walk According To His Will And In His Way 
Even If You Walk Alone On This Earth! 

The Crowd Is Never Right: 
Follow The Lord Christ!

Please Don't Foolishly Follow Fast-Fashion 
On The One-Way Junket To The Fury Of 
The Flames Of Hell! 

Please Choose To Be Who The Lord Jesus Called You To Be 
Start Using What Gifts And Skills You Have Been Blessed With 
In His Holy Service! 

You Are An Unique Individual: 
Live As One Precious In The Sight Of The Eternal God! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Faithful Do The Pleasant Work That You Have Assigned For Me To Do With Love And Devotion To My Lord Christ And Without Fear Or Failure!


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