
Monday, January 17, 2022

One Disorder, Three Lives, Three Outcomes!

If I Knock On Your Forehead
Will You Cheerfully Answer The Front Door!?! 

If The Answer Is Not An Emphatic "Yes!" 
What, May I Ask, Is Eating You!?! 

The Frontal Lobe Of The Brain Deals With 
Our Spirituality Aka Our Need To Worship
Our Morality Aka Our Chosen Behavior
Our Will Aka To Do Or Not To Do Right, Wrong, Dicey Or Disgusting! 

The Holy Word Says That 
In The Presence Of Two Or Three Witnesses
A Matter Should Be Established: 
King Saul, King Solomon, And Prophet Elijah Were All Depressed
Suffering From Stinking Thinking! 

Instead Of Being Obedient And Walking With The Spirit Of Truth
King Saul Went Rogue 
Ended Up Playing Footsie With That Lying Spirit, Satan
Effectively, Efficiently, Offed Himself! 

King Solomon Disobediently Went After Many Pagan Wives And Concubines 
Also Did What Many Of Us Are Doing Today 
Aka He Tried Every "Pleasure" Until Pleasure Was Pain! 

He Hated His Life 
Called Everything Vanity And Vexation Of Spirit! 

King Solomon Eventually Came To His Senses 
Was Converted 
Took The Scars With Him To His Grave! 

Elijah ... Almighty God's Faithful Prophet
Was Hunted Down Like A Wild Dog 
By The Blood-Thirsty Pagan Queen Jezebel: 
He Ran From Her 
He Wanted To Die! 

The Lord Gave Prophet Elijah  A Work To Do 
At Its Completion 
He Was Picked Up In A Fiery Chariot 
Carried To Heaven: 
He Never Tasted Death! 

One Disorder
         Three Lives
                Three Outcomes! 

Dear Ones,

Depressed Or Not
We Have Our Sacrosanct Will With Which To Bless God: 
Please Let Him Take Control Aka Have Master-Control
You Shall Know, Enjoy, Experience His Perfect Peace! 

1 comment:

  1. I Confess! I Repent! I Yield My Will To You, Dear Lord! Please Have Your Holy Way With Me: You Are My Master, And I Give To You My Life To Control!


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