
Monday, January 24, 2022


Many Of Us Are In For A Rude Awakening 
When We Appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Jesus Christ 
Our Usual Pass The Buck, Blame Someone Else
Will Have Exhausted Its Usefulness 
We Will Be On The Hook For The Unpaid, Long-Overdue Bill Of 
Take Personal Responsibility! 

It Is Safe To Say That 
Lucifer Blamed The Father For His Cockups 
The Father Refused To Let Him Have 
What The Father Gave To His Son! 
End Result: 
Condemnation And Damnation! 

Adam Blamed Almighty God For Giving Him A Defective Wife 
For His Own Willful Disobedience! 
Eve Blamed The Serpent For Deceiving Her Into Wanting More 
When She Already Had Everything That She Needed! 
End Result: 
Cursed, Cast Out
Pain, Hard Labor


Jesus Christ Having To Die To Save The Race! 


We Are No Longer Children! 

We Have Knowledge Of The Experiences Of Others 
Which Should Counsel Us To Be Wise: 
Satan Can't Make Us Do Anything! 

As Humans, We All Do What Our Flesh Desires! 
As Committed Christians
We Should All Be Doing What The Lord Wills! 

Mistakes Happen
So Please Choose To Recognize The Error
Repent Of The Sin
Accept Loving Correction
Align Your Desires With The Father's Will! 

Taking Responsibility For Your Own Actions
Minus The Arrogant Attitude
Plus The Humble Spirit 
Equals A Definite Growth In Grace On The Road To Glory! 

"I Was Wrong, And I Beg Your Pardon!" 
Yields Fruit Most Pleasant To Enjoy! 

Dare And Choose To Do Right 
To Glory Rise To Live With Eternal Light 
In The Land Of No Night! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Come Boldly And In Faith, Believing You And Trust You At Your Living Word, To Accept Responsibility For My Sin Which Caused Your Son, My Savior, To Die On Calvary's Cross To Save My Life! I Am Sorry And I Sincerely, With Contrite Heart, Ask Your Forgiveness, And Plead For The Blessing Which Cleanses And Heals! I Make This Petition In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, The Name Which Is Above All Other Names, The Name Of Him Without Whom We Are Not Saved! I Give You Praise And Bow In Worship!


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