
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

ROAD TO RUINATION: Envy Is Like Green On Speed!

Envy Is Like Greed On Speed! 
Both Of These Are Tools Of The Devil 
So Please Do Not Allow Them In Your Life To Lead! 

Satisfaction And Love And Contentment Make Gratitude Shine 
So Do Yourself A Favor 
Do Not For Unreceived Things Pine! 

Satan Started Us On This Road To Ruination 
Sad To Say, Beloved
It Is In Every Family
At Every Station Of Life
In Every Nation! 


Let Us Thank Almighty God For Jesus Christ Our King 
Who Has Told Us About 
Shown Us How To Be Contented With Such Things As We Have 
He Has Promised Never To Leave Us Or Forsake Us: 
This Wonderful Blessing Should Make Our Hearts Truly Glad! 

Let's Enjoy The Walk Along Green Pastures
Eat Our "Grass" With Joy! 

Let's Drink Our Still Aka Easily Accessible Water To Satisfaction
Let Our Souls Be Restored: 
This Is Not A Lost Man's Fad! 

We Have Oil To Anoint Our Heads! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Keep In Remembrance That 
A Table Sumptuously Set For You
For Raging Enemies To See
The Promise Of The Kind King
Our Master
The Loving Shepherd
Who Leads Us, His Obedient Sheep, Ever So Gently! 

Be Grateful: 
He Is Gracious! 

Be Thankful: 
He Is Merciful! 

Be Prayerful: 
He Answers On Time
The Results Are Glorious! 

The Great Day Is Coming: 
You Do Not Want To Be Left Out Of The Eternal Blessings! 

In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
Bless Almighty God For What You Know That You've Got!
All Of Our Needs Are Met! 


1 comment:

  1. By Your Grace, Dear Father, I Wittingly, Wisely, Choose To Be Contented With All That You So Graciously Provide To And For Me Each And Every Day! Thank You, Lord Jesus!


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