
Thursday, January 27, 2022

THE BAD MARRIAGE: Self In Sin With Satan

KJV Job 34
21 For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.
22 There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

Uplifting Self
Being Entangled In Sin
Being Enmeshed With Satan The Damned 
Like Being Anchored In A Bad Marriage To The Unth Degree 
With An Exceedingly Abusive, Jealous, Vindictive
Manipulative, Emotionally-Bankrupt, Idol-Worshipping Spouse 
Who Deprives You Of Physical And Spiritual Food 
Even As They Regularly Attempt To Cut Off Your Air Supply 
As They Venomously Ask: 

"Why Are You Staying Alive!?!" 


Before The Darkness Descends
While There Is Still Some Life Left In Us
Where There Is Still Hope
Should Not We Permit The Spirit Of Truth 
To Bring To Our Remembrance That 
We May Trust The Lord Christ For Sure Salvation 


Unceasingly Plead With Our God 
To Deliver Us From The Destruction Of Disobedience
The Darkness Of Death And Damnation!?! 

Those, Like Lucifer Nka Satan, Who Willfully
Wittingly, Recklessly, Reject 
The Love Of The Kind King And Righteous Judge 
Have No Love For The Living God
For Themselves
Nor For Another Living Soul 
And, Thus
Have Nothing To Lose 
When They Embark On Their Reigns Of Terror! 

Sin Has No Feelings! 
Self Is A Bold Sinner 
Satan Is Condemned And Damned With Nothing To Lose 
So Causing You To Lose What He Can Never Reclaim 
Makes His Short Time Left To Exist Worth Living! 

Get Out Of The Soul-Destroying Marriage Of 
Self In Sin With Satan 
Rush To Salvation In The Savior Jesus! 

Everything To Gain
With The King Of Love
Who Calls You To Live And Not Die! 

Answer That Emergency Call Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lamb Of God, I Come In Faith And Beseech You For Love To Shower Me With Your Saving Grace: I Yield My Will To Thee And Desire To Walk Wisely In Your Holy Way!


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