
Saturday, January 29, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Sorry-Not Sorry Ain't Christian!

We Ask The Lord For Pardon 
By Saying That We Are Sorry 
There Will Be No Pardon For Us 
Our Sorry ... Our Penitence
Contains No Corresponding Humility! 


Why Would You Say: 
"I Am Sorry!" 
When In Truth And Fact You Are Not!?! 

You Insult The One To Whom You Apologize 
Show That Your Credibility 
Definitely Not In Stock! 

Why Dimish Yourself In This Way Vulgar 
By Using Your Voice In The Manner Crude 
Including Going So Far As To Repent To Almighty God
Using The Faith And Name Of Christ Jesus
When You Know That You're Nothing But A Snot-Nose Fraud!?! 

I Am Genuinely Sorry To Use Such Strong Language 
This Behavior Cannot Go Unremarked 
You Place Yourself In The Unenviable Position Of 
Having The Lord Cause You To Be Thrown Into The Outer Darkness! 

Jesus Christ Was Always Humble
Not Given To The Airs And Graces Of Putrid Pride
There Is No Way I Tell You Plain And Straight That 
Within The Pearly Gates You Will Abide 
With That Unregenerate Attitude Cozied Up On Your Insides! 

If You're Sorry, Be Sorry
If You're Not, You're Not
So Don't Add Insult To Injury By Adding Perjury 
In So Doing
By The Lord God Almighty
You Shall Surely Be Denied! 

Be Wise! 

Sorry-Not Sorry 
Is Not 
A Part Of The Christian's Bonafides! 

Let An Actively Working Conscience 
Be Your Choice Constant Companion 
On-Board, On-Duty, Faithfully-Enduring Guide! 

Against Satan
In Jesus' Christ Holy Name
Turn Deceit And Destruction's Rip Tide! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Faith Of Jesus And With Humility, I Am Truly Sorry For My Sin Against Your Holiness! Please Help Me To Do Better Each And Every Day So That At The Appointed Time I May Ascend The Heights Of Glory With My Savior Dear In Who Holy Name I Pray And Humbly Plead!


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