
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

DIFFERENT MUSCLES: I Hurt, I Hate, I Have, I Give!

I Hurt, I Hate, I Have, And I Give 
All Use Different Muscles! 


You May Be Hurt
It Doesn't Give You Leave To Hurt Others! 

Because You Have
It Does Give You The Means To Help Others! 

Because You Hate Your Life
It Doesn't Mean You Should Make Others Hate Their Lives! 

Because You Have The Ability To "Give" 
Instead Of Giving Others Hell On Your Altar Of Self-Indulgence
How About Giving Them A Kind Word
Teaching Them To Hate Sin
Encouraging Them To Have Hope In Jesus' Finished Work On Calvary
Reminding Them That Continuance In Sin Hurts Our Savior 
Crucifies Him Afresh!?! 

As Lovers Of Almighty God And Living Truth
How About Choosing To Always Do What Is Right 
Even At Personal Expense!?! 

We Live In A Society Which Applauds 
Ungodly Displays Of I, Me, Mine, Myself Aka 

"I Hate It When Someone Has What I Don't Have 
And It Hurts Me Not To Be Number One 
So I Must Have A Grudge Against Them 
And Must Give Them Hell 
So That They Will Know That 
Life Is Easier For Them When I Have It All!" 

How Positively Satanic! 

Self-Denial Is An Elevator! 

Our Dear Savior Served Others 
In So Doing He Lifted Up Almighty God 
The Living Kingdom! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Jesus Christ Was The Teacher
The Master
The Savior! 

Let Us, Therefore, Accept What He Graciously Taught
Master Our Base Instincts
Allow The Purchased Salvation To Be Perfected In Us!?! 

We Have One Chance Called Life 
To Make Our Eternal Decision: 
Please Don't Waste It On That Rabid Sinner Self! 

Please Raise Your Gaze So That You May Step Up Higher 
To Climb Jacob's Ladder To Everlasting Life! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Jesus, For Giving Your Life To Save Mine! In Gratitude, And With Working Faith, I Give You My Life To Have And To Hold For Time And For Eternity! I Love You!


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