
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Little Things Count: The Grain Of Sand!

Would You Put Your Neck In A Noose To Save Your Skin!?! 

Would You Lie To Yourself For Physical Comfort 
Accepting The Plain Truth 
Would Case Your "Inner Child" Unbearable Pain!?! 

In Whom Or On What Is Your Hope Resting!?! 

Are You Preparing To Walk The Lonesome Road 
When All Earthly Supports Are Removed 
All That Is Left To Sustain You 
Your Daily Gift Of A Ration, A Portion, Of 
Jesus Christ's Holy Faith!?! 


Living Our Daily Lives Now In The Faith That Cannot Fail 
Over Things Which Are Mere Annoyances 
Strengthens Us 
Increases Our Faith To Handle More, Bigger, Weightier
Even Mind-Blowing, Stomach-Churning, Soul-Destroying Trials! 

If We Can't Run With Men
Then How Will We Run Against The Race Horses 
The War Horses!?! 

Many Of Us Count The Little Things In Life 
Forget Or Ignore The Fact That 
The Little Things Count! 

A White Cotton Sheet Is Beautiful! 
A Black Satin Sheet Is Beautiful! 
Put One Dime-Sized Dot Of Black Satin Dead-Center 
On Your Pristine White Sheet 
And Suddenly
We Have A Problem! 
Little Things Matter! 

Let Us Decide Today 
To Gain Our Little Victories In The Small Matters Of 
Truth And Right-Living 
So That We Will Have The Constitution 
To Handle The Big Things Later On! 

By The Way
Please Ask The Clam Why A Grain Of Sand Inside His Shell
- A Misery To Him - 
A Big And Profitable Deal To The Jeweler!

Faith Frees! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Ever Remember That There Is Nothing That I Believe That I Can Do That I Can Do Without You! Please Help Me To Be Wise Enough To Be Strong Enough To Stand Firmly On Your Promises By Your Ever-Sufficient Grace Through Jesus Christ's Daily Gift To Me Of A Portion Of His Unfailing Faith!


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