
Saturday, February 12, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Over-Promising Under-Deliverer!

In The Realm Of Business, We Often Hear The Words: 
"Under-Promise And Over-Deliver!" 
Aka Deliver The Unexpected! 

In The Realm Of Deceitful Sin
The Nauseating Word 

How Alluring: You Can Have It All! 
How Deadly: You Can Do It All! 

The Reality Is That 
Nothing Is Ever Delivered 
All That Is Left 
Destroyed Innocence
Rejected Ideals
Corrupted Taste-Buds
A Ruined Present 


No Happy Ever-After 
Our Cherished And "Sweet" Sin Separates Us From Our Savior 
Which Then Leads To The Second Death! 


Accept That You Are A Sinner 
But That 
You Don't Have To Sin: 
Run After The Savior! 

Acknowledge Your Sin: 
Call It By Its Birth-Name! 

Recognize That You Need Forgiveness ... And Cleansing: 
Approach The Throne Of Grace Boldly 
Repent To Almighty God In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 

Roundly Reject Sin: 
Your Sin Is No Match For Your Savior! 

Live By The Word Of God: 
The God Of The Word Gives Life! 

Please Remember That 
Comfort In Sin Makes You A Slave ... A Casualty: 
Don't Give Gifts To Satan! 

Seek The Savior's Hand: 
Settle Your Hand In The Savior's! 

ABU Aka Anger, Bitterness And Unforgiveness 
Sin Is Addictive 
So Please Pray For The Spirit Of Revulsion 
Escape Into The Storehouse Of The Word 
Dig For Hidden Treasure Which Elevates Your Soul! 

Don't Be A Slave: 
Be A Saint! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Help Me To Stand Firmly Fixed And Focused On The Eternal Promises Of Almighty God Because They Speak Truth And Give Life!


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